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Whether performing a kettle sour with bacteria or souring in the fermenter using lactic acid-producing yeast for sour beers, the choice of souring strain has important implications for fermentation performance and the flavor and character of the beer. Bacteria fermentations require a secondary yeast strain to complete the alcoholic fermentation, whereas lactic acid-producing yeasts perform both functions (but can be co-pitched with other yeast to achieve desired results). This best practice helps guide you through your yeast and bacteria choices based on your desired resulting flavors and acidity level.

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Sour Beers

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Sour Beers

Whether performing a kettle sour with bacteria or souring in the fermenter using lactic acid-producing yeast for sour beers, the choice of souring strain has important implications for fermentation performance and the flavor and character of the beer. Bacteria fermentations require a secondary yeast strain to complete the alcoholic fermentation, whereas lactic acid-producing yeasts perform both functions (but can be co-pitched with other yeast to achieve desired results). This best practice helps guide you through your yeast and bacteria choices based on your desired resulting flavors and acidity level.

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Price $128
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Price $165.25
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